Yemen: Clashes between UAE-backed militias, government forces resume

04 Dec 2020; MEMO:  Clashes between the Yemeni army and the UAE-backed militias, known as the Southern Transitional Council (STC), in the country's Abyan province have resumed, local media reported yesterday.

Military sources said that the military confrontations erupted late on Wednesday after STC forces attacked an army's base in the Zinjibar city – the administrative centre of Abyan.

The sources added that the STC militias had attempted "to advance under the cover of heavy bombardment on the army's positions," stressing the Yemeni forces were able to repel the attack.

These violations, the sources pointed out, were taking place "in view of the UN-led Ceasefire Monitoring Committee".  The UN committee and Saudi Arabia agreed in May to an "immediate halt to the escalations" between the Yemeni army and STC forces.