Registration for COVID-19 Vaccination to Be Opened Soon – Malaysian Health Minister


KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 15 (NNN-Bernama) — Registration for the COVID-19 vaccination for Malaysians will be opened soon, said Health Minister Dr Adham Baba.

However, he did not say when actually the registration would be opened, but that Malaysians would receive two doses of COVID-19 vaccine for full protection against the virus.

“Those who receive the vaccine will have to keep the card that will be given to them when they are given the first injection.

“This is to ensure that those who have been injected get a second dose according to date set, usually in the range of 21 days,” he said when appearing as a guest on a talk show, “Bicara DR” on RTM 1 Thursday night.

He said even after getting the vaccination, the people are still required to practice the new norms.

Malaysia is scheduled to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at the end of next month and has received conditional approval from the Health Ministry’s National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA).

Dr Adham said the main objective of the COVID-19 immunisation is to protect frontline workers, reduce mortality, form group immunity and further break the chain of the virus infection.