Saudi-led coalition launches airstrikes on rebel sites in Yemen's capital

Saudi-led airstrikes

SANAA, March 7 (Xinhua) -- The Saudi-led coalition on Sunday launched a series of airstrikes on Houthi-controlled military sites in Yemen's capital Sanaa, local residents said.

The strikes hit the 1st Division Camp, Maintenance Camp and the 4th Brigade in downtown Sanaa, as well as the Attan site in the southern part of the capital.

The airstrikes come as the Iran-backed Houthi rebels intensified cross-border drone and missile attacks on Saudi cities.

Yemen has been mired in a civil war since late 2014 when the Iran-backed Houthi rebels seized control of several northern Yemeni provinces and forced the internationally-recognized government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi out of Sanaa.

The Saudi-led Arab coalition intervened in the Yemeni conflict in 2015 to support Hadi's government.