Crimea’s reunification with Russia shows that state is strengthening, says Putin


MOSCOW, March 21. /TASS/: Russia’s restoration as a single centralized state is a key milestone of the past two decades, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, calling Crimea’s reunification with Russia a historic event signaling that the state is strengthening.

"A major milestone is assembling, restoring Russia as a single centralized state," Putin said in an interview with Moscow. Kremlin. Putin program on Rossiya-1 TV channel.

"Unfortunately, in the late 1990s we approached a very dangerous line, beyond which we could expect anything. But thanks to the patience and courage of our people - I say this without any exaggeration - it is thanks to the enormous patience, hard work and courage of our people, ordinary guys, ordinary soldiers who faced a major terrorist threat, including in the North Caucasus, that we were able to overcome these difficulties, preserve, restore the country, and then restore its economy," Putin said.

According to him, economic indicators 20 years ago significantly differ from the current ones. "Well, this is the most important thing that was done, I mean restoring the social sphere, revenues and citizens’ welfare," Putin stated.

"As for the return of Crimea and Sevastopol to their native harbor, like I said earlier, then this is certainly a dramatic and a historic event, without any exaggeration. And this is the result of strengthening our state from inside," Putin stressed.