Russia develops first domestic flight simulators with motion system

MOSCOW, March 22. /TASS/: Russia’s Technodinamika Group (part of the state tech corporation Rostec) has launched the production of the country’s first domestic aircraft simulators with a motion system that gives the feelings of a real flight, Technodinamika CEO Igor Nasenkov told TASS on Monday.

"They make it possible to get actually a full set of acceleration feelings inherent in a real flight, that is, to feel all the changes of the speed and motion experienced by the vestibular system," the chief executive said.

The multi-purpose simulator with a motion system makes it possible to practice the elements of piloting, emergencies, learn air navigation, the operation of helicopter systems, radio communications and the procedures of coordinating the crew’s actions in normal flight modes, he specified.

The simulator also helps practice piloting in unfavorable weather conditions when the flight is fully or partially conducted with the help of instruments, he said.