UK: Alternative to Saudi initiative is continuation of war in Yemen

 Michael Aron

27 Mar 2021; MEMO: British Ambassador to Yemen Michael Aron has conveyed that the alternative to the Saudi initiative to end the conflict in Yemen is the retention of war for several years in the future, Aram Media reported on Friday.

In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Aron called for the Houthis, who rejected the initiative, to rethink their position and take steps towards peace.

On Monday, Saudi Arabia announced an initiative to help Yemeni factions reach a peaceful resolution to the six-year-longconflict. The plan calls for a nationwide ceasefire and starting talks on the future of the country.

Aron also called on the Houthis to cooperate with the United Nations (UN)'s Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths tocoordinate with Oman.

He also confirmed that the international community has a primary goal of ending the country's conflict, stressing that this could only be achieved through common efforts and cooperation with the UN envoy, then starting a comprehensive political process led by the Yemenis themselves.

The Houthis described accepting the Saudi initiative as "tyranny", while Iran's envoy to the Houthis called it a "war programme".