Indian National Convention of workers calls for ouster of Modi

New Delhi, March 5; GANASHAKTI: The Central Trade Unions and independent federations organised a workers convention at Constitutional Club Annexe on 5th March, 2019, with a view to adopt a Workers Charter of Demands to be placed in the electoral process about to begin for constitution of 17th Lok Sabha.

The Convention began by observing a minute’s silence to pay homage to the Pulwama martyrs of a terrorist attack.

The meeting was presided over  by were Deepak Sharma, Mohan Sharma C A Raja Sridhar, Hemalata, RK Sharma, Probir Banerjee, Lata, Santosh Rai, Jawahar Singh and Ashok Ghosh. 

The speakers stressed that the reason for organising this Convention was that as the elections are drawing near, the incumbent government of BJP-RSS, which has failed on all promises by which it came to power, would try to divert the attention of toiling people by war hysteria, loud cries of nationalism, respect for the armed forces and so on. The Convention is meant to keep in clear focus the issues of toiling people, and not allow the pro-corporate forces to cheat them again in the name of whipped up non-issues.

They said we  the workers along with  the peasants  and other  toiling  people produce  the wealth of our country. It is we who contribute  to the economic  growth our country. Yet  our burning  issues, our serious problems, and our urgent demands have been totally neglected by the government at  the  centre. The joint trade  movemennt has been repeatedly raising the issues  of concern to the working valss for last many years. We have repeatedly tried through  various means, the latest  being the two days country wide general  strike which has received massive  support from all sections of the toiling  people, to bring  our demands to the notice of the government and sought redress, but  to no avail. Today the country is in deep crisis. All aspects   of our  daily life,as  that of peasants  and agricultural workers and other working people are in crisis. The hard  won trade  union  and labour rights are under  attack. Agrarian crisis and rural distress, continue upabated. Thousands of areas and are migrating to the cities in large numbers competing   with the  unorganised sector workers for low paying  jobs  without any social security.

They  said  tht  we the   workers have been  unitedly  figthing against  these policies  since the last two decades. We have  jointly  conducted  18 countrywide general strikes  during this  period in addition to scores of sectoral strikes, The participation of workers  in these strikes has been  continusiosly  increasing.

Our issues, our demands ,the  issues and problems relating  to a decent  and humane living and livelihood get nolace  in the discourse  during elections.Some  political  parties  try to consider people as vote banks  on the lines of religion,caste  or sub caste demads are raised to provoke and polarise people for their electoral benefits.After coming to  power ,we are totally neglected  by the parties.Those is government  start obeying  orders of their corporate donors and enrich  themselves in the process.

How long should this continue? While we need to defeat  the present  BJP led  government  whuch has been  aggressively pursuing   anti worker,anti people  and anti national  policies,we should also demand reversal of these policies  and formulation of alternative pro worker and pro people policies  whichever  government comes to power  at the centre.

It is  time that workers'  issues are  raised during the elections.It is time that workers issues form a major part of  the discourse elections.Let  us  place  our demands,the workers charter,before the political parties and compel them to concretely express  their stand on these  issues before we  decide  whom to vote.

Among  those who spoke   Tapan Sen   general  secretary of  CITU   said that the Charter of Demands should be used as a weapon to oust the Modi Government. He  gave the call Modi Hatao -Desh Bachao. The other speakers, Ashok Singh of INTUC, Harbhajan Singh Sidhu of HMS, Amarjit  Kaur of AITUC, Satyavan Singh of AIUTUC, G. Devarajan of TUCC, Sonia George of SEWA, Rajiv Dimri of AICCTU, Rashid Khan of LPF and Shatrujith of UTUC endorsed the Charter of Demands and reiterated the call to oust Modi Government. 

The Convention, while reiterating the long standing 12-point charter of demands, further expanded it to include various other sectoral demands, in view of the struggles of various sections that have gone on prior to and even after the historic 8-9 January 2019, all-India strike. The main demands in the Workers’ Charter of Demands included:

1.    Fix national minimum wage as per the recommendations of 15th Indian Labour Conference and Supreme Court judgement in the Raptakos & Brett case, which has been reiterated unanimously by later Indian Labour Conference.

2.    Abolish Contract Labour system in perennial nature of job pending which strictly implement equal wage and benefits to contract workers doing the same job as permanent workers, as per Supreme Court judgment.

3.    Minimum Support Price for the produce of the farmers as per the recommendations of Swaminathan Commission, strengthen public procurement system.

4.    Loan waiver to farmers and Institutional credit for the small and marginal farmers.

5.    Comprehensive legislation covering social security and working conditions for all workers including agricultural workers.

6.    Check unemployment on war footing.

7.    Assure minimum pension of Rs 6000 per month and indexed pension to all.

8.    Recognise workers employed in different government schemes.

9.    Immediately revoke ‘Fixed Term Employment’.

10. Stop disinvestment/strategic sale of public sector undertakings. Give revival package to the important PSUs in the public interest.

11. Scrap NPS and restore the Old Pension Scheme.

12. Stop anti worker and pro employer amendments to the labour laws and codifications. Ensure strict implementation of the existing labour laws.

13. Implement paid maternity leave of 26 weeks, maternity benefit and crèche facilities for women workers no incentive be given to employers who are following amended provision of Maternity Benefit Act as proposed by the Government.

14. Strict measures to stop the inhuman practice of manual scavenging. Compensation, as per Supreme Court judgment, to the families who die while cleaning sewers.

15. Protection of street vendors should be ensured. States should frame rules accordingly.

With the accepted amendments, the Charter of Demands was adopted unanimously.

The Convention ended with slogans of resolve to throw out the Modi Government as a precondition for securing the Charter of Demands.