U.S. 'Peace' Plan Includes 300 Violations Of International Law

 Ahmad Majdalani

RAMALLAH, Palestine, Feb 9 (NNN-WAFA) – A senior Palestinian official stated that, the U.S. peace plan, also known as the “Deal of the Century,” includes 300 violations of international law.

Ahmad Majdalani, a member of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) Executive Committee, said that, President Mahmoud Abbas will present the violations next week, before the United Nations Security Council.

“President Abbas will present a document that includes 300 violations of international law, by the ‘Deal of the Century,’ while addressing the UN Security Council in New York next Tuesday,” said Majdalani.

Abbas is scheduled to head to the United States on Monday (tomorrow), and address the Security Council, on the U.S. peace plan on Tuesday. A draft resolution will be presented for voting before the council’s members.

Majdalani said, the document that includes the violations of international law and resolutions was prepared by the PLO.

“The U.S. plan is based on denying Palestinian presence and denying the right of the Palestinian people for self-determination,” he said, adding, “the plan is presenting itself as an alternative to the international resolutions.”

Meanwhile, Mahmoud Aloul, deputy chairman of Abbas’ Fatah party, said that, when President Abbas addresses the UN Security Council, rallies will be organised on Tuesday, in support of Abbas.