Turkey slams US lifting arms embargo on Greek Cypriots


02 Sep 2020; MEMO: Turkey criticised the US’ decision to lift a 33-year arms embargo on Cyprus, saying Ankara will take the necessary reciprocal steps unless Washington reconsiders its decision, Anadolu Agency reports.

According to the report, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the decision would adversely affect efforts to resolve the Cyprus issue and that Ankara expects its NATO ally to review it.

The ministry also said that at a time of ongoing efforts to reduce tension in the Eastern Mediterranean, the US making such a decision is incompatible with the spirit of alliance.

On Tuesday, the US decided to end a 33-year arms embargo on Cyprus, according to reports which said the decision, which concerns non-lethal equipment, was announced during a call by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades.

“Cyprus is a key partner in the Eastern Mediterranean,” Pompeo said on Twitter. “We will waive restrictions on the sale of non-lethal defence articles and services to the Republic of Cyprus for the coming fiscal year.”

In 1974, after a far-right Greek Cypriot military coup sponsored by the military junta sought to unite the island with Greece, Turkey used its guarantor rights to intervene on the island to protect the rights of Turkish Cypriots.

Many steps have been taken to resolve the Cyprus conflict, but no concrete resolution has been found.