Iran announces first arrests over schoolgirls' poisoning

Iran school girls

8 Mar 2023; MEMO: The Iranian Ministry of Interior yesterday announced the first arrests linked to a series of mysterious poisonings of schoolgirls across the country.

"A number of people have been arrested in five provinces and the relevant agencies are conducting a full investigation," the Tasnim news agency quoted Deputy Interior Minister, Majid Mirahmadi, as saying.

"The results will be announced once investigations are completed and clear results are obtained," he added.

The announcement came a day after Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei called on the country's officials to follow up on the case "seriously", saying it was "an unforgivable crime".

OPINION: The mysterious poisoning of Iran's schoolgirls

Since November, more than 1,200 Iranian schoolgirls from at least 60 different schools have fallen ill and had to be hospitalised after smelling "mysterious odours", according to Iranian state media and government officials.

Last Thursday, the Public Prosecutor in Tehran, Ali Salehi, announced the formation of a special committee to follow up on the case, warning that the culprits would face severe legal penalties.