Russia: Moscow to continue investigation into U.S. bioweapon labs in Ukraine


MOSCOW, June 30 (Xinhua) -- The Russian Defense Ministry will continue studying U.S. biological activities in Ukraine, and has data confirming Washington's work aimed at developing biological weapons, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Friday.

"Our defense ministry is continuing to provide the global community with evidence ... proving that the Pentagon was developing biological weapons in Ukraine," Lavrov said at an online briefing.

The minister noted that the United States intentionally scattered its biological laboratories in different regions, making it more difficult to implement a verification mechanism.

He stressed that Washington has so far been blocking such a mechanism, and this proves that U.S. biological programs in foreign countries are by no means "harmless" and "innocent."

Lavrov further commented on the future of the Black Sea grain deal, which is set to expire on July 18, 2023, after a recent extension.

The foreign minister said that Moscow currently sees no grounds for the extension of the deal, adding that if the deal is not extended, Russia will continue supplying grain to the poorest countries free of charge.