Russia: Diplomat sees global risks in Kiev plans to conduct terror attack on Zaporozhye nuke plant

Maria Zakharova

MOSCOW, July 5. /TASS/: Ukraine is planning to conduct a terrorist attack on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP), with potential consequences affecting the entire globe, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Sputnik radio on Wednesday.

"[Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky is going to conduct a terror attack on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant," the diplomat said.

According to Zakharova, neither the United States nor Great Britain sees this as a danger. "Meanwhile, not a single corner of the planet will be unaffected, because there are such things as the atmosphere, the world ocean and agriculture," Zakharova emphasized. "If anything happens, everything will be affected - the air, the water, and food. And Zelensky is clearly seeking to use this factor for his extremist terrorist purposes," the Russian diplomat lamented.

Renat Karchaa, adviser to the CEO of Russian nuclear power corporation Rosenergoatom, warned on Tuesday evening that Ukraine will attempt to attack the Zaporozhye NPP on the night of July 5, in particular by dropping munitions packed with radioactive waste extracted from the South Ukraine NPP on July 3.

Earlier, Zelensky claimed that Russia was allegedly plotting a terrorist attack on the nuclear facility. He informed the United States, Brazil, India and China, as well as European, Middle Eastern and African countries about this alleged plot but provided no evidence to back up his allegations. Ukrainian Interior Minister Igor Klimenko said that Ukraine would hold drills and organize crisis centers "in case of a possible radiation leak from the ZNPP."

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov refuted these allegations as yet another lie. According to Karchaa, Zelensky’s statements may indicate that Kiev is plotting to mount a terrorist attack or strike on the ZNPP in a bid to drag NATO fully into the conflict.