
68 arrests reported at protest near G-7 summit

BIARRITZ, France (AP) — The Latest on the Group of Seven summit (all times local):

11:05 p.m.

French authorities have detained 68 people taking part in a tense protest near the G-7 summit.

The regional administration says those detained are accused of throwing projectiles, concealing their faces or possessing objects that could be used as weapons.

Will the real Mr. No-Deal step forward please?

BIARRITZ, France (AP) — Deal or No Deal?

One might think the issue would be on the minds of two leaders at the vortex of the question of whether the UK will leave the European Union without a deal in October. 

But as Britain and the European Union hurtle toward a no-deal Brexit, the contest Saturday seemed to be who is going to go down in history with the blame and the label: Mr. No-Deal.

Economic storm clouds hovering over Trump and global leaders

BIARRITZ, France (AP) — Under the threatening clouds of a global economic slowdown, President Donald Trump is confronting the consequences of his preference to go it alone, with low expectations that the leaders of the richest democracies can make substantive progress on an array of issues at their summit in France.

Even before photo op of G-7 allies, sharp elbows come out

BIARRITZ, France (AP) — The posturing by leaders of the G-7 rich democracies began well before they stood together for a summit photo.

French President Emmanuel Macron, the host, cornered Donald Trump at the American leader’s hotel with an impromptu lunch invitation. It was something of a power move by Macron, who pushed the Amazon wildfires to the top of the agenda at a summit Trump hoped to use to persuade allies they can avoid economic disaster by following his low-tax, low-regulation mantra.

Powerful, obscure law is basis for Trump ‘order’ on trade


BIARRITZ, France (AP) — President Donald Trump is threatening to use the emergency authority granted by a powerful but obscure federal law to make good on his tweeted “order” to U.S. businesses to cut ties in China amid a spiraling trade warbetween the two nations.

China’s announcement Friday that it was raising tariffs on $75 billion in U.S. imports sent Trump into a rage and White House aides scrambling for a response.

20 NGOs urge France to criticise Egyptian president

24 Aug 2019; MEMO: 20 NGOs urge France to criticise Egyptian presidentTwenty NGOs have urged French President Emmanuel Macron to denounce Egypt’s human rights record, criticising the invitation of Egyptian president to the G7 summit to be held in France on Saturday and Sunday, Anadolu Agency reported.

France: G7 leaders to face Protests in Biarritz

BIARRITZ (France), Aug 24 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The leaders of the G7 club of rich countries meet in southern France on Saturday, with the burning Amazon, diving stock markets and their own stark divisions giving little grounds for optimism.

US President Donald Trump and fellow Western leaders will also face protests as they arrive in the famed surfing town of Biarritz — though a heavy police presence will keep them far from view.

Global disputes likely to thwart unity at G7 summit in France

BIARRITZ, France (Reuters) - Leaders of the G7 nations began arriving in France on Saturday for a summit as a U.S.-China row over protectionism highlighted President Emmanuel Macron’s tough task in delivering real results on trade, Iran and climate change.

The three-day meeting in the Atlantic seaside resort of Biarritz takes place amid sharp differences over a clutch of global issues that risk further dividing a group of countries already struggling to speak with one voice.

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