
German FM urges EU to update migrant deal with Turkey

21 June 2021; MEMO: German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas called on the European Union to update its migrant deal with Turkey, as he highlighted the importance of further funding, Die Welt reports.

"We need an update to our migration cooperation with Turkey," Maas told the paper in comments published today.

The EU is very interested in the migration deal with Ankara being further developed and updated, Maas added.

Germany: Merkel and Macron urge EU coordination on reopening borders

BERLIN, June 18 (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron called on Friday for European Union countries to coordinate their COVID-19 border reopening policies and guard against new variants of the virus.

Macron said EU countries must be careful not to allow new variants to spread, adding that the EU was watching developments in Britain, which has seen a steep rise in the weekly reported cases of the Delta variant. 

German conservatives hope to see off Greens with a modernising message

BERLIN, June 18 (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel's ruling conservatives will promise "a decade of modernisation" on Monday in an election programme intended to see off the fading challenge of their Green Party rivals.

The manifesto will counter the Greens' offer of a "new start" and show the conservatives closing ranks after a divisive battle over who should be their candidate to replace Merkel, who will step down as chancellor after a Sept. 26 federal election.

Germany hits vaccination milestone but wary of delta variant

BERLIN (AP) — Germany has now given at least one coronavirus vaccine shot to more than half its population but officials urged people Friday to remain cautious and slow the spread of the more contagious delta variant.

COVID-19 infections have declined sharply in Germany over the past few weeks, on some days dropping below 1,000 per day for the first time since September. On Friday, the national disease control center said 1,076 new cases were reported in the past 24 hours, and there were only 10.3 cases per 100,000 residents over the past week.

Covid-19: Pandemic crisis worsened corruption in EU – Transparency International

BERLIN, June 16 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The pandemic has worsened corruption across the European Union, Transparency International said, with citizens at times needing personal connections to get medical care and some governments using the crisis for their own gain.

The anti-graft watchdog surveyed more than 40,000 people in the EU’s 27 member states between October and December 2020.

On average, it found that 29 percent had relied on favours or well-connected friends and family to access public sector health services last year.

Rise in far-right extremists seen in Germany last year

BERLIN (AP) — Authorities in Germany said Tuesday that the number of far-right extremists in the country increased last year as neo-Nazis sought to join protests against pandemic-related restrictions.

German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said authorities counted 33,300 far-right extremists in 2020, an increase of almost 4% from the previous year.

“Far-right extremists were repeatedly able to protest side-by-side” with non-extremist opponents of the pandemic restrictions, Seehofer said.

Costly frost in France attributed to climate change

BERLIN (AP) — Scientists say damaging frost that caused significant economic loss to France’s central winegrowing region this year was made more likely by climate change.

A report released Tuesday by researchers who study the link between global warming and weather events suggests that the intense April 6-8 frost in France was particularly damaging due to a preceding warm period in March.

Germany's Laschet vows to raise military spending if elected

(Reuters) --- Germany must increase military spending and take on a greater share of military burdens within NATO, the conservative candidate to succeed Angela Merkel as chancellor said in a newspaper interview on Sunday.

Heads of state within the 30-nation North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will meet in Brussels on Monday and discuss the path to follow against challenges such as China, Russia and cyber threats.

Germany: ECB keeps rates unchanged, continues bond buying at "higher pace"

FRANKFURT, June 10 (Xinhua) -- The European Central Bank (ECB) said on Thursday that it will keep the euro area key interest rates unchanged and will continue buying bonds under its Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP) at a "significantly higher pace" over the coming quarter than in the first months of this year.

Eurozone key interest rates will remain at record low levels, with the base interest rate, marginal lending rate and deposit rate unchanged at 0.00 percent, 0.25 percent and minus 0.50 percent, respectively, the ECB said in a statement.

EU launches proceedings over top German court’s ECB ruling

BERLIN (AP) — The European Union on Wednesday launched proceedings against Germany over a ruling by the top German court last year on a European Central Bank bond-buying program that broke with a verdict from the EU’s own top court.

Brussels says that “constitutes a serious precedent.”

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