
2 police officers killed in SE Iran

TEHRAN, Jan. 24 (Xinhua) -- Two police officers were killed early Tuesday in an attack by several "thugs" in the southeastern Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran's official news agency IRNA reported.

The two police officers, identified as Mokhtar Momeni and Abouzar Omidvar, were assaulted at around 02:00 a.m. local time (2230 GMT) when patrolling with their colleagues at the entrance to Bampur County, Police Commander of the province Mohammad Qanbari was quoted as saying.

The "thugs" fled the scene after the attack, according to Qanbari.

Iran: Listing Revolutionary Guards as terror outfit is 'attack on national security'

23 Jan 2023; MEMO: Iran warned, Monday, that the European Parliament's push to classify the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organisation is an attack on the country's national security, Anadolu News Agency reports.

Speaking at a weekly press conference in Tehran, Foreign Ministry spokesman, Nasser Kanaani, said any hostile act against the elite force would be met with a "decisive response".

Iran vows to include European armies on terror list

23 Jan 2023; MEMO: The Speaker of the Iranian parliament has warned of an "immediate and decisive" response to the European Parliament's move to designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organisation, Fars has reported. Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf made his remarks during the parliament's open session on Sunday.

Iran's IRGC: EU terror designation would be 'mistake'

22 Jan 2023; MEMO: Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on Saturday warned Europe against making a "mistake" by listing the elite force as a terrorist group, reports Anadolu Agency.

"We are never worried about such threats or even acting on them, because as much as our enemies give us a chance to act, we act stronger," IRGC chief Major General Hossein Salami said in statements cited by the Mehr news agency.

"We advise the Europeans not to repeat their mistakes," he added.

Iranian nuclear chief rejects any undeclared activity, site in Iran

TEHRAN, Jan. 18 (Xinhua) -- The Iranian nuclear chief on Wednesday stressed that there is no undeclared nuclear activity or site in Iran, according to the Iranian Students' News Agency.

Making the remarks to reporters on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting, Mohammad Eslami, president of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), said the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has also announced the same thing repeatedly.

Iran: priority is to de-escalate tension with Gulf neighbours

18 Jan 2023; MEMO: Iran's priority is to de-escalate tension with its Gulf neighbours and increase cooperation, a foreign ministry spokesman has said. Nasser Kanaani's comments coincided with official statements from Saudi Arabia confirming that there is ongoing communication between Riyadh and Tehran paving the way for dialogue.

Iran to receive Russian Su-35 fighter jets in 3 months

15 Jan 2023; MEMO: Iran will receive Russian Su-35 fighter jets within three months under an agreement with Moscow, an Iranian parliamentarian said on Sunday, Anadolu reports.

Shahriar Heidari, a member of the parliament's National Security Committee, told Tasnim News Agency that the jets will arrive in Iran in the coming Iranian year, which begins March 21.

Iranian oil exports hit new highs in 2022, despite no nuclear deal

15 Jan 2023; MEMO: Iranian oil exports hit new highs in the last two months of 2022 and are making a strong start to 2023 despite U.S. sanctions, according to companies that track the flows, on higher shipments to China and Venezuela, Reuters reports.

Tehran's oil exports have been limited since former US President Donald Trump in 2018 exited a 2015 nuclear accord and reimposed sanctions aimed at curbing oil exports and the associated revenue to Iran's government.

Iran Summoned British Envoy To Protest UK’s Interference In Iran’s Internal Affairs

TEHRAN, Jan 15 (NNN-IRNA) – The Iranian Foreign Ministry, yesterday, summoned British Ambassador, Simon Shercliff, to protest the United Kingdom’s (UK’s) “unconventional interference” in Iran’s internal affairs.

The director general of the Western Europe Department of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, delivered to Shercliff, Iran’s protest against the UK’s “acts of sabotage against the Islamic republic of Iran’s national security,” the ministry said in a statement, on its website.

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