
Israel confiscates Palestinian properties in occupied Jordan Valley

15 March 2022; MEMO: Israel's Yesha Council yesterday confiscated vegetables and fruits from Palestinian farmers' stalls in the occupied northern Jordan Valley, a week after they were demolished.

Rights activist, Fares Fuqaha, told Safa that the Israeli forces had confiscated "five vegetable and fruit kiosks owned by Palestinian families," adding that the stalls were demolished "six days ago".

Palestine: PA warns ICC of falling in 'double-standards trap'

16 March 2022; MEMO: The Palestinian Authority (PA) yesterday warned the ICC of falling in the "double-standards trap", adding that it should immediately start probing Israeli crimes against Palestinians.

A statement was issued by the Palestinian Foreign Ministry following Israel's "execution" of three Palestinians – two in the occupied West Bank and a third in the Arab Israeli city of Rahat.

Palestine: Jewish settlers uproot Palestinian's olive trees in occupied West Bank

16 March 2022; MEMO: Jewish settlers uprooted 200 olive saplings on Tuesday in the occupied West Bank, Wafa has reported. The owner of the land near Salfit where the incident took place, Azmi Hamdan, said that the Israeli settlers then stole most of the saplings.

The settlers have been harassing the Palestinian residents in the area of Khelet Hassan, in order to build a new illegal settlement as part of a ring of settler-colonies between Salfit and the city of Qalqilya.

Palestine: PA condemns Israeli chief of staff's remarks about invading Gaza

15 March 2022; MEMO: The Palestinian Authority condemned on Monday the remarks by Israel's Chief of Staff, General Aviv Kochavi, about invading the Gaza Strip. Such remarks, said the PA, show blatant "disregard for the international community and its laws and conventions."

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, the PA added that Kochavi's comment also reflects the international double standards and turning of a blind eye towards Israeli violations against the Palestinians.

Palestine: PA calls on international community to stop Israel's escalating violations

12 March 2022; MEMO: The Palestinian Authority (PA) on Friday condemned the escalating Israeli violations against Palestinians and journalists, a statement issued by the Ministry of External Affairs and Expatriates revealed.

The statement came following Israeli aggression on Palestinians and journalists in several villages and neighbourhoods across the occupied West Bank.

Palestine: Jerusalem Mufti slams formers US Vice Prez for Ibrahimi Mosque tour with Israeli lawmakers

11 March 2022; MEMO: The Palestinian Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein, today condemned the visit by former US Vice President, Mike Pence, to the Ibrahimi Mosque in the West Bank city of Hebron.

In a statement, the Mufti said, "The Ibrahimi Mosque is an Islamic Mosque and a worship place for Muslims alone. What the US Vice President did was a provocative act and extremely dangerous. The occupation authorities bear its consequences."

Palestine: Illegal Israeli settlers uproot grapevines in West Bank

10 March 2022; MEMO: Settlers yesterday stormed the town of Kifr Al-Dik and damaged the grapevines.

Landowner Sadaat Saeed explained that the settlers came from the illegal settlement of Bruchin and uprooted 60 saplings and demolished stone fences at his land in Umm Hanoun.

This, he added, was an effort by settlers to force Palestinians out of the areas.

India's representative in Palestine found dead in Ramallah

07 March 2022; MEMO: India's envoy to Palestine, Mukul Arya, was found dead yesterday inside the Indian Mission in occupied Ramallah.

While the cause of his death remains unknown, Indian Foreign Minister, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, said on Twitter, he is "deeply shocked to learn about the passing away of India's Representative at Ramallah, Shri Mukul Arya."

"He was a bright and talented officer with so much before him. My heart goes out to his family and loved ones. Om Shanti," he added.

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