Saudi Arabia's Jubeir says possible to calm situation in Yemen in prelude to settlement: Al-Arabiya

DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir said there is a possibility of calming the situation in Yemen as a prelude to reaching a settlement in the four-year conflict, Saudi-owned channel Al-Arabiya cited him as saying on Friday.

Saudi Arabia released at the end of November a group of Yemeni prisoners belonging to the Iran-aligned Houthi group, a step that may support efforts to end a war that has killed tens of thousands and pushed millions to the brink of famine.

Amnesty says at least 208 killed in Iran protests, crackdown

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — At least 208 people in Iran have been killed amid protests over sharply rising gasoline prices and a subsequent crackdown by security forces, Amnesty International said Monday, as one government official acknowledged telling police to shoot demonstrators.

Iran state TV says ‘rioters’ shot and killed amid protests

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Iranian state television on Tuesday acknowledged security forces shot and killed what it described as “rioters” in multiple cities amid recent protests over the spike in government-set gasoline prices — the first time that authorities have offered any sort of accounting for the violence they used to put down the demonstrations.

The acknowledgment came in a television package that criticized international Farsi-language channels for their reporting on the crisis, which began on Nov. 15.

Israel delegation in UAE to check preparations for Expo 2020

02 Dec 2019; MEMO: Israel’s Foreign Ministry said yesterday that an official Israeli delegation is visiting Dubai to attend a preparatory meeting for participation in Expo 2020, Quds Press reported.

The ministry said in a statement posted on its Facebook page that the meeting which took place over the weekend aimed to inform Israel of the ongoing preparations for the fair.

Iran dismisses French comments about nuclear deal's dispute mechanism

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran rejects as “irresponsible” comments by France that it is seriously considering triggering a mechanism within the Iran nuclear deal that could lead to U.N. sanctions, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said on Thursday.

“Iran’s scaling back of its nuclear commitments was implementation of its legal rights to react to America’s illegal and unilateral exit of the deal and the European parties’ failure to fulfill their obligations,” Mousavi said in remarks quoted by state television.

Iran supreme leader claims protests a US-backed ‘conspiracy’

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Iran’s supreme leader on Wednesday claimed without evidence that recent protests across the Islamic Republic over government-set gasoline prices rising were part of a “conspiracy” involving the U.S., as authorities began to acknowledge the scale of the demonstrations.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei made the comment while addressing members of the Revolutionary Guard’s all-volunteer Basij force, which help put down the demonstrations.

Iran says pro-government rally to show the 'real' Iranians

DUBAI (Reuters) - A pro-government rally in Tehran on Monday will show the world who “real” Iranians are, Iran’s Foreign Ministry said, expressing surprise at foreign statements of support for a wave of protests against the authorities over a fuel price rise.

The protests grew into anti-government unrest that saw at least 100 banks and dozens of buildings torched in the worst violence at least since Iran put down a “Green Revolution” in 2009, when dozens were killed over several months.

Saudi Aramco markets IPO in Dubai after approaching Kuwait fund

DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Aramco met investors in Dubai on Sunday to market its initial public offering (IPO), after trying to secure demand from Kuwait’s sovereign wealth fund for the deal, worth up to $25.6 billion, which relies heavily on local and regional buyers.

Top executives of the Saudi state-owned oil giant, including Aramco’s Chief Executive Amin Nasser, met officials of Kuwait’s sovereign wealth fund weeks ago, a source familiar with the matter said, confirming an earlier report on Sunday in the Kuwaiti newspaper Alrai.

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