Washington DC

US, India sign Defense Technology and Trade Initiative

WASHINGTON, Dec 20 (NNN-Xinhua) — The United States and India have signed two Defense Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI) agreements, the latest effort to boost bilateral ties, said the Pentagon on Thursday.

The DTTI pacts, concerning bilateral industry collaboration forum and standard operating procedure respectively, were signed during the second bilateral “2+2 Ministerial Dialogue” held earlier this week in Washington, according to a statement released by the Pentagon.

Pompeo expresses support for Arsenal player in criticism of China’s treatment of Uyghurs

18 Dec 2019; MEMO: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday came out in support of Arsenal player Mesut Ozil for his criticism of China’s treatment of ethnic Uyghur Muslims, saying Beijing can censor the team’s football games but cannot hide rights violations, reports Reuters.

US Congress approves Russia-Europe gas pipeline sanctions

Washington, Dec 17 (AFP/PTI) The US Senate voted Tuesday to slap sanctions on companies working on Russia's Nord Stream pipeline, sending a bill to President Donald Trump that is sure to antagonize European nations counting on the project's natural gas.

The measure, inserted into a huge annual defense spending bill, passed 86 to eight after easily clearing the House of Representatives last week.

Trump writes to Pelosi, says stop impeachment

Washington, Dec 18 (PTI) US President Donald Trump in a scathing letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sought to halt impeachment proceedings against him by the lower chamber of the Congress, which is all set to start the process with a debate on Wednesday.

"This impeachment represents an unprecedented and unconstitutional abuse of power by Democrat lawmakers, unequaled in nearly two and a half centuries of the American legislative history," Trump said in a letter to the Pelosi.

US-China agreements to help de-escalate trade tensions — IMF head

WASHINGTON, December 14. /TASS/: The implementation of an agreement that US and China had signed during the first stage of bilateral negotiations will help to de-escalate trade tensions worldwide, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Kristalina Georgieva said on Friday.

"We welcome today's announcement by China and the United States on "Phase One" trade discussions. When implemented, this will help to de-escalate trade tensions and begin to reverse some of the tariffs imposed by both countries since 2018," Georgieva said in a Twitter post.

US says Iran proxies carried out series of base attacks

14 Dec 2019; MEMO: Iran’s proxies have carried out a series of attacks on bases where US forces are collocated with their Iraqi partners, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo alleged Friday, Anadolu Agency reports.

Pompeo cited a rocket attack on a facility at Baghdad International Airport that he said wounded five Iraqi soldiers, including two who died of their injuries on 9 December.

US-Taliban talks to take 'brief pause' after airbase attack

Washington, Dec 13 (AFP/PTI) The United States has announced a pause in talks with the Taliban after an attack near a US airbase in Afghanistan.

"When I met the Talibs today, I expressed outrage about yesterday's attack on Bagram, which recklessly killed two and wounded dozens of civilians," US special representative for Afghanistan peace talks Zalmay Khalilzad said on Twitter on Thursday.

"#Taliban must show they are willing & able to respond to Afghan desire for peace," he tweeted.

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