
Business & Economy

US imposes new sanctions on Iran airline over proliferation

12 Dec 2019; MEMO: The United States on Wednesday imposed new sanctions on Iran’s biggest airline and its shipping network, accusing them of transporting lethal aid and weapons of mass destruction proliferation, Reuters reports.

The new sanctions come just days after a weekend prisoner swap between the historic foes, a rare act of cooperation since tensions escalated after US President Donald Trump withdrew from the 2015 Iran nuclear accord.

India: Govt to sell 100% stake in Air India

New Delhi, Dec 12 (PTI) The government has decided to sell its entire 100 per cent stake in Air India under the proposed disinvestment process, Union minister Hardeep Singh Puri said on Thursday.

The national carrier, which has a debt burden of more than Rs 50,000 crore, has been making loss for long and as part of revival efforts, the government has decided on disinvestment.

"After formation of the new government, Air India Specific Alternative Mechanism (AISAM) has been reconstituted and the re-initiation of the strategic disinvestment of Air India has been approved.

Dr Mahathir in Qatar for 4-day official visit

DOHA, Dec 12 (Bernama) — Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad arrived here Thursday morning to begin his four-day official visit to Qatar.

Dr Mahathir and his wife, Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, were greeted upon arrival at the Hamad International Airport here by Qatar’s Minister of Commerce and Industry, Ali bin Ahmed Al Kuwari, and senior officials from both countries.

The Malaysian delegation includes Foreign Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah, Minister of Economic Affairs Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali and Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu.

US blockade: Oxen and horses put back to work in Cuba

LOS PALACIOS (Cuba), Dec 12 (NNN-AGENCIES) — A lack of fuel, in large part due to the US blockade, is forcing Cubans to return to horse and ox power for farming, transport and everyday travel.

In Los Palacios, 100km of the west of the capital Havana, Heriberto Piloto bellows at his oxen Montezuelo”and Pasajero as they plough a tobacco field at the La Juanita farm.

Once the fields were ploughed by tractors, plus some animal help, but now beasts of burden are the only option, meaning the job of ploughman has made a comeback too in Cuba’s fields.

JCB faces human rights complaint over Israeli demolitions of Palestinian properties

11 Dec 2019; MEMO: Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights (LPHR) filed Tuesday “a comprehensive evidence-based human rights complaint” against construction equipment giant JCB, citing the company’s involvement “in human rights breaches in the occupied Palestinian territory”.

USA makes WTO's appellate body dysfunctional

New Delhi, Dec 10 (PTI) WTO's dispute settlement mechanism will be impaired with the departure of two of the three judges on its appellate body following completion of their term on Tuesday.

The US has stalled appointments of members in the appellate body of WTO's dispute settlement system.

WTO Director-General Roberto Azevedo told a meeting of the full WTO membership on Monday that he would launch more intensive, high-level consultations on how to resolve the longstanding impasse over the appointment of appellate body members.

India: Two detained over theft of onions worth Rs 20,000

Mumbai, Dec 10 (PTI) Two persons were detained on Tuesday in connection with the theft of 168kg of onions worth more than Rs 20,000 here last week, police said.

The theft took place between the intervening night of Thursday and Friday in a market in Dongri in south Mumbai, an official said.

In total, 168 kg of onions, whose prices have skyrocketed in the recent past, making them a precious commodity, were stolen from two shops in the market, he said.

Turkey defence minister says maritime agreement with Libya does not target neighbouring countries

10 Dec 2019; MEMO: Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar said Monday that the maritime agreement his country had signed with Libya does not pose any threat to neighbouring countries, but aims “to preserve the rights and interests of Turkey and Libya”.

Akar considered Greece’s request for the Libyan ambassador to leave the country against the background of the maritime agreement, “evidence of Athens’ failure”, stressing that this would not affect the agreement.

France to host international conference on Lebanon

10 Dec 2019; MEMO: The French Foreign Ministry announced on Monday that Paris will host an international conference on Lebanon on December 11th.

Foreign ministry spokeswoman, Agnes von der Muhll told reporters in a daily online briefing that the conference aims to urge Beirut to accelerate the formation of a government capable of improving the economic situation in the country.

India: City restaurants see dip in profits as onion prices soar

Kolkata, Dec 10 (PTI) The spiralling prices of onions have partially affected restaurant business in the city, with owners apprehensive that customers might skip eating out during Christmas and New Year festivities, if they hike the rate of food items.

With the kitchen staple still hovering between Rs 150 and Rs 170 a kilo, several restaurants are feeling the pinch, some of them even mulling to pass on the burden to customers if the situation does not stabilise.

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