Human Rights

Sea-Watch captain arrested as ship docks at Lampedusa

29 June 2019; DW: Sea-Watch 3 entered the Italian port of Lampedusa without authorization early Saturday following a two-week standoff between the charity ship's captain and Italian authorities.

German captain Carola Rackete was arrested as the boat docked with 40 migrants remaining on board, spokesman Ruben Neugebauer told Agence France-Presse. Television footage showed a heavy security presence at the port and police escorting 31-year-old Rackete off the vessel.

Italy allows 2 more migrants to leave German rescue ship

28 June 2019; DW: Italian authorities have given permission for a sick man and his brother to disembark from Sea-Watch 3. The boat is still carrying some 40 migrants and has been sitting in international waters for more than two weeks.

Italy on Friday allowed two more migrants to disembark from a German Sea-Watch rescue boat carrying another 40 migrants off Lampedusa island, the NGO said.

Swiss ban planemaker Pilatus from operating in Saudi Arabia, UAE

27 June 2019; MEMO: Switzerland has banned planemaker Pilatus from operating in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), saying on Wednesday the company had breached Swiss rules on giving logistical support to foreign armed forces now engaged in a war in Yemen, reports Reuters.

UN expert: Saudi has not investigated chain of command in Khashoggi killing

27 June 2019; MEMO: The UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions and special investigator into the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Agnes Callamard, has said that that some measures have been taken to investigate his killing but they have failed to address the chain of command, including the role of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.

Trump warns any conflict with Iran 'wouldn't last long'

26 June 2019; AFP: President Donald Trump said Wednesday he does not want a war with Iran but warned that if fighting does break out, it "wouldn't last very long," even as Iran's president tried to tamp down soaring tensions.

Trump also hinted that any conflict would be waged with air strikes, saying there would be no US boots on the ground.

Father, daughter drowning fuels anger at Trump migration policies

27 June 2019; AFP: A shocking photograph of a Salvadoran man and his baby daughter drowned in the Rio Grande fueled a surge of emotion around the world Wednesday -- as US Democrats furiously denounced Donald Trump's immigration policies.

"Trump is responsible for these deaths," said Beto O'Rourke, one of several Democratic White House hopefuls who took to Twitter to lash out at the president.

Iran warns US to drop sanctions as time runs out for nuclear deal

27 June 2019; DW: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Wednesday that the United States should drop sanctions against Iran and return to a 2015 nuclear deal to de-escalate soaring tensions between the two countries.

"The return to the nuclear deal would be the shortest way to secure the interests of all sides ... and also good for the world, the region and especially the international [nuclear] non-proliferation treaty," he said.

Mediterranean rescue ship brings migrants to Italy, defying Salvini

27 June 2019; DW: Sea-Watch 3 Captain Carola Rackete said Wednesday that the rescue ship would head to Lampedusa with its rescued passengers.

"I've decided to enter the port of Lampedusa," Sea-Watch tweeted the ship's German captain as saying. "I know this is risky, but the 42 shipwrecked on board are exhausted. I will bring them to safety."

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