Human Rights

UN migration compact formally adopted

10 Dec 2018; DW: UN member states have adopted the UN's controversial migration compact at a conference in Morocco. A number of countries have refused to sign the nonbinding accord, among them the US.

The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration has been formally adopted by UN member states at a conference in the Moroccan capital Marrakech.

US dwarfs rest of world in armaments production

10 Dec 2018; DW: US firms are by far at the top of the global arms trade, according to an expert report. Germany's largest defense company landed at 25th among the globe's top 100; Russia, Turkey and China are also boosting production.

US companies hold more than half of the world market share for military equipment, according to a recent study by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI.

US seeks to frustrate OPCW probe into Aleppo chemical attack

MOSCOW, December 7. /TASS/. The United States seeks to disrupt the investigation into the chemical attack by terrorists in Syria’s Aleppo on November 24 and the US State Department’s allegations that this incident was staged obviously pursue this goal, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Friday.

US uses terrorists to intervene in affairs of sovereign states

TEHRAN, December 8. /TASS/. Washington uses terrorists as an instrument of pressure and a pretext to intervene in the affairs of sovereign states, Chairman of the Russian State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin said on Saturday at the second conference of Parliament speakers from Afghanistan, China, Iran, Pakistan, Russia and Turkey on fight against terrorism and strengthen regional cooperation.

Belgium's controversial Africa Museum reopens after refurbishment

9 Dec 2018; DW: A Belgian museum housing items looted from the African continent during the colonial era is reopening near Brussels. Curators hope that it can now overcome its image as a colonialist holdover.

Belgium's Africa Museum, which has faced criticism in the past for an uncritical depiction of the country's sometimes brutal colonial past, reopened on Saturday after a five-year restoration.

US the only country not to support UN Refugee Pact

9 Dec 2018; AFP: The world is talking about the Migration Compact, but the UN says its Refugee Pact is just as important. The agreement is up for a vote this week at a conference in Marrakesh. Can it win over the United States?

Ahead of a General Assembly vote next week, all 193 United Nations member nations have expressed support for the Refugee Pact, with one lone hold-out: the United States.

Canada ex-adviser says China pressure won’t work

BEIJING (AP) — A former foreign policy adviser to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Chinese pressure on the Canadian government to release a top executive of Huawei won’t work.

In a tweet, Roland Paris says, “Perhaps because the Chinese state controls its judicial system, Beijing sometimes has difficulty understanding or believing that courts can be independent in a rule-of-law country. There’s no point in pressuring the Canadian government. Judges will decide.”

China warns Canada of “serious consequences” if Huawei CFO not released

China has warned of  serious consequences if Canada did not release Huawei CFO immidietly, calling the case “extremely nasty”.

Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s global chief financial officer, was arrested in Canada and faces extradition to the United States, for her company’s links to a firm that tried to sell equipment to Iran despite sanctions. Meng Wanzhou is the daughter of the founder of Huawei.

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