Human Rights

Assam NRC: SC orders resumption of claims and objections

New Delhi, Sep 19; GANASHAKTI: The Supreme Court on Wednesday opened the filing of claims and objections for inclusion and exclusion of names in the final draft of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) of Assam, in which around 40 lakh people have been left out.

A bench headed by CJI-designate Ranjan Gogoi made it clear that second opportunity was being given to those left out of the NRC, keeping in mind the "enormous magnitude" of the issue.

It said the claims and objections can be filed for 60 days starting September 25.

Dehradun boarding school gangrape – 9 arrested include Director and Principal

A 16 year old girl at a boarding school in Dehradun was raped by four boys. Girl became pregnant and complained, but instead of informing the police and the family of the girl, the school administration gave her pills to end pregnancy, and pressurised her to keep the incident to herself.

The school officials later took the girl to a nursing home for an abortion.

US expels Palestinian Ambassador – freezes family’s bank accounts

US government has expelled Palestinian Ambassador to the United States, Husam Zomlot, from the country, and frozen all the bank accounts of the family. New step followed closer of the PLO embassy in Washington

All American bank accounts affiliated with the PLO have also been frozen.

France partly to blame for Russian plane's crash, says military expert

MOSCOW, September 18. /TASS/. France is partly to blame for the crash of Russia’s Ilyushin Il-20 aircraft in Syria and the death of Russian military servicemen, military expert Mikhail Khodaryonok told reporters.

"The French Navy's frigate, The Auvergne, did not make the best contribution to the air situation, creating additional difficulties for Syrian air defense teams," he said, adding that "the French frigate was in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Netherlands intends to stand up for ICC against U.S. threats

THE HAGUE, Sept. 17 (Xinhua) -- Following recent threats by the U.S. administration to sanction the International Criminal Court (ICC), the Dutch government has considered promoting the court's legitimacy.

According to Dutch Foreign Minister Stef Blok's recent remarks, if the United States indeed proceeds with the measures undermining the ICC or sanctioning its personnel the Dutch government will take a stand.

JNU teachers take out rally against violence

New Delhi, Sep 17 (PTI) Before the Jawaharlal Nehru University administration banned protests and rallies in campus on Monday, the varsity's teachers' association took out a peace march against the incidents of violence.

The march, which was also attended by students and university staffers, started from Ganga Dhaba and culminated at Chandrabhaga Hostel. The teachers and students are also carrying out a night vigil against the attack and the ban imposed by the administration on protests and gatherings.

Cologne takes a stand against deportation

16 Sep 2018; DW: Some 12,000 people took to the streets in Cologne, Dortmund and Gelsenkirchen on Sunday to demand the German government cease deportations to countries like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Opponents of the policy say both nations are too dangerous for individuals to be deported to, and that they should be allowed to stay in Germany instead.

Russia presents audio recording proving Ukraine’s complicity in MH17 tragedy

MOSCOW, September 17. /TASS/. Russian Defense Ministry has figured out that videos showing the movement of a Buk missile system from Russia to Ukraine, presented by the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) looking into the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 crash in eastern Ukraine, were fabricated, ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov told reporters.

According to him, Russian experts thoroughly studied those videos and came to the conclusion that they had been fabricated.

Separatist-sponsored strike disrupts normal life in Kashmir

Srinagar, Sep 17 (PTI) Normal life was affected in the Kashmir Valley Monday due to a strike called by separatists to protest the recent killing of a civilian in Kulgam and against anti-militancy operations in south Kashmir.

Most of the shops, fuel stations and other business establishments were shut here in the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir, officials said.

They said public transport was off the roads, while private cars, cabs and auto-rickshaws were seen plying in many areas of the city.

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