Science & Technology

Iran says National Information Network not aiming to replace worldwide web

Tehran, Sept 26, IRNA – Iran’s National Information Network does not aim to replace the worldwide web, Head of Civil Defense Organization Brigadier-General Gholamreza Jalali said on Saturday.

“We will need a common understanding of the issue and its importance in order to be able to fully establish a National Information Network,” Jalali said.

Boosting infrastructure, Turkey poised to be global tech leader

With its solid technology infrastructure and great potential at its bag, Turkey is going to be racing to the top within 10 years, the deputy technology and industry minister expressed his strong belief during Teknofest, Turkey's largest aerospace and technology event.

The National Technology Move under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has boosted Turkey's technology infrastructure and environment, Mehmet Fatih Kacir told Anadolu Agency in Gaziantep, a southern city hosting four-day event through Sunday.

India: Indigenously developed Prithvi-II missile testfired

Balasore (Odisha), Sep 23 (PTI) India on Wednesday conducted a successful night testfire of its indigenously developed nuclear capable surface-to-surface Prithvi-II missile as part of a user trial by the Army from a base in Odisha, defence sources said.

The state-of-the-art missile was testfired from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur near here in darkness and the trial was successful in meeting all the parameters, they said.

China trails US in development of sixth-generation aircraft: Report

Beijing, Sep 23 (PTI) China, which in recent years tried to catch up with the US in the design and production of new generation warplanes, is trailing the American air force in the development of the sixth-generation fighter jets by several years, according to a media report.

America is leading the world in the sixth-generation fighter jets with the US Air Force saying it has flown a prototype a milestone that is still years away for China, Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post reported on Wednesday.

India: International team discovers 13-million-year-old ape fossil in Uttarakhand

Dehradun, Sep 9 (PTI) An international team of researchers has unearthed a 13-million-year-old fossil of a newly discovered ape species in Uttarakhand, which is the earliest known ancestor of the modern-day gibbon.

The finding, published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, fills a major void in the ape fossil record and provides important new evidence about when the ancestors of today's gibbon migrated to Asia from Africa.

China’s first reusable spacecraft lands after 2-day flight

BEIJING (AP) — China’s first reusable spacecraft landed Sunday after two days in orbit, a possible step toward lower-cost space flight, the government announced.

The secretive, military-run space program has released few details of the craft, which was launched Friday aboard a Long March 2F rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in China’s desert northwest.

The craft landed as planned at Jiuquan, the official Xinhua News Agency said.

State media have yet to publish any photos. The craft’s size and shape are unclear.

Covid-19: First batch of vaccine arrives in 3 Moscow clinics: Russia

MOSCOW, Sept 5 (NNN-TASS) — Moscow outpatient clinics No. 2, No. 220, and No. 62 have received the first batch of a vaccine against the coronavirus, Deputy Moscow Mayor Anastasia Rakova told reporters.

“Today Moscow medical institutions received the first batch of a vaccine against the coronavirus for post-registration trials. Municipal outpatient clinics No.2, No. 220, and No. 62 became pioneers. The medical institutions are completely ready for the study launch which will begin next week,” she said.

Russia: Permission to release batch of Sputnik V vaccine for civilian use may be granted next week

MOSCOW, September 3. /TASS/: The Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology under the Russian Health Ministry may be granted permission to release a batch of the newly-developed vaccine Sputnik V against the novel coronavirus for civilian use next week, the institute’s deputy director for research, associate member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Denis Logunov, said on Friday.

‘Turkey determined to be production, technology center’

29 Aug 2020; MEMO: Turkey is determined to become a global production and technology center, the country’s president said on Saturday.

“We are committed to making Turkey, the center of three continents, a global production, and technology center, whether some people like it or not,” Recep Tayyip Erdogan said at the opening ceremony of the MESS Technology Center in Istanbul.

Russia anti-drone system could be sent to Syria

29 Aug 2020; MEMO: The Russian Defence Ministry has confirmed that it might send a new Russian-made anti-drone system to be tested in Syria, Aram Media reported on Friday.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoyu announced that Russia’s Sapsan-Convoy anti-drone system could be sent to Syria, noting that this depends on its success in the manoeuvres of Operation Caucasus 2020.

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