Macron confident on Russia’s European future after meeting with Putin

Macron n Putin

PARIS, August 20. /TASS/: French President Emmanuel Macron expressed confidence that Russia’s future is tied with Europe after the meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin at the fort of Bregancon.

"I am confident that Russia’s future is fully tied with Europe. We believe in Europe that stretches from Lisbon to Vladivostok," he wrote on his Twitter account on Tuesday.

Macron noted that the talks with Putin also focused on the situation around Siberian wildfires and thawing permafrost in the region. "Russia is grappling with devastating consequences of the climate change. I am glad that it has decided (to launch) the ratification of the Paris Climate Agreement, which is a significant symbolic move, and we should follow that course," he emphasized.

Moreover, the two leaders "expressed commitment" to creating long-term stability in Libya and regaining order in the country. As far as the Syrian issue is concerned, Macron stressed the necessity of immediate ceasefire in the Idlib province in accordance with the agreements achieved at the Sochi meeting on September 17, 2018.

The talks between the presidents of Russia and France lasted over two and a half hours. No official statements to the press were planned following the meeting.