Venezuelan government and opposition sign peace dialogue agreement

CARACAS, Sept 17 (NNN-Prensa Latina) — The Government and the opposition of Venezuela signed on Monday an agreement and installation of the National Dialogue Table for Peace, in accordance with the principles of sovereignty and self-determination of the South American country.

With the purpose of contributing to a political solution among Venezuelans, both parties agreed to deal with the promptness and urgency of the case, the new formation of the National Electoral Council and the guarantees that must accompany the voting processes.

The incorporation into the National Assembly of the parliamentary fraction of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela and the allied fractions of the national Government is part of the agreements signed.

Among the issues, it was also agreed to exhort the Supreme Court of Justice, through the Truth Commission -in charge of investigating crimes during violent street demonstrations in recent years- to agree on replacement measures in those cases in which the legal system allows.

During the act of agreement of the dialogue table, it was agreed to reaffirm and defend the historical legitimate rights of Venezuela over Guyana Esequibo, through political negotiation as contemplated in the Geneva Agreement of 1966, the only legal instrument valid in the United Nations agreements.

It was also established to reject the application of economic sanctions against the country, in violation of International Law, and it was proposed to implement the oil exchange program for food, medicines and supplies for basic services, in accordance with the technical mechanisms existing in the United Nations System.

The Venezuelan Government and opposition will advance agreements on the balance and balance between the constituted powers, such as institutional normalization and overcoming the contempt of the National Assembly, which will be discussed at specialized technical tables, in order to refine their content.

Meeting at the Yellow House (headquarters of the Foreign Ministry), the Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez, and the Vice President for Communication, Culture and Tourism, Jorge Rodríguez, who is also the head of the delegation for dialogue, signed in the name of the National Government.

As representatives of the opposition parties, Claudio Fermín (Solutions for Venezuela), Timoteo Zambrano (Cambiemos) and Luis Romero (Advanced Progressive) signed.

The head of the delegation for dialogue reiterated that the objective is to seek the point of consultation, despite the differences, with respect to the right of everyone to exercise political life in the country.

In this regard, the opposition leader Fermín reaffirmed his commitment to the peace of the nation and invited the other representatives of opposition political parties, as well as social, trade union and trade union organizations, to join the dialogue table, by ensuring that ‘it is not exclusive’.

Last August, President Nicolás Maduro announced the resumption of talks with the Venezuelan opposition, after the Government resumed contacts with Norway.

Maduro had previously ruled out the possibility of dialogue with opposition groups subject to Washington’s hostile policy against the South American nation.

In this regard, he pointed out that the negotiations carried out in Norway and Barbados under the auspices of the Oslo government, involved organizations of the extreme right who appealed to assassination attempts, coups and calls for foreign military invasion, in order to provoke political change through unconstitutional channels.