Singapore’s Manufacturing Output Decreases 9.3 Percent In Nov

SINGAPORE, Dec 26 (NNN-CNA) – Singapore Economic Development Board announced today (Thursday) that the country’s manufacturing output declined 9.3 percent year on year in Nov, compared to a revised 3.6 percent increase in Oct.

Excluding biomedical manufacturing, the output decreased nine percent year on year in Nov, compared to a revised 0.3 percent decrease in the previous month.

Meanwhile, on a seasonally adjusted month-on-month basis, Singapore’s manufacturing output decreased 9.4 percent in Nov. Excluding biomedical manufacturing, the output fell 8.4 percent.

As for the performance of different clusters, the electronics cluster’s output decreased 20.9 percent year on year in Nov, while the biomedical manufacturing cluster’s output declined 10.3 percent in the month, the precision engineering cluster’s output grew 9.7 percent, the transport engineering cluster’s output grew 2.1 percent, the chemicals cluster’s output fell 10 percent, and the general manufacturing industries cluster’s output decreased 1.5 percent.