Jordan holds solidarity rally with China’s Uyghurs

02 Jan 2019; MEMO: Dozens of Jordanians on Tuesday participated in a protests against China’s treatment of Uyghur Muslim in China’s Xinjiang province.

The demonstration was organised by the Islamic Action Front, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, in front of the Chinese embassy in the capital Amman.

The Front’s Secretary-General Murad Al-Adaileh and lawmaker Saud Abu Mahfouz of the Reform Bloc participated in the protest.

The participants held banners calling on China to stop the “terrorism” it is practicing against Uyghurs Muslim and respect human rights.

Al-Adaileh described China’s actions as “heinous crimes against humanity” which require the international community to immediately intervene and put an end to the massacres and violations.

“The repressive methods of the Chinese authorities against Muslim Uyghurs include forcing them to do things that are contrary to the teachings of Islamic law,” he said.

In September, Human Rights Watch accused China of carrying out a “systematic campaign of human rights violations” against Uyghurs in Xinjiang.

In August 2018, a United Nations human rights committee reported that China is holding about a million Uyghurs in secret camps.