Second US city slams India’s citizenship law, calling it ‘racist and repressive’

Protest against citizenship law

UNITED NATIONS, Feb 14 (APP): Days before President Donald Trump is due to visit India, another prominent US city — the second in a week — has denounced Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalistic government’s “racist and repressive” policies and called for the withdrawal of the controversial discriminatory citizenship law that it sponsored.

The City Council of Cambridge in the US state of Massachusetts on Tuesday passed a unanimous resolution against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), calling upon the Indian Parliament to “uphold” the country’s secular constitution by repealing the law and stopping a proposed National Register of Citizens (NRC), according to media reports.

Cambridge houses the world-renowned Harvard University and Massachusetts Institutes of Technology (MIT).

The move came a week after Seattle, the largest city in the US state of Washington, adopted a similar resolution, urging India to repeal the CAA and stop the NRC. Seattle is rated as one of the most powerful city councils in the US.

“It has come to the attention of the city council that on December 11, 2019, the Indian Parliament passed the Citizenship Amendment Act, which for the first time uses religion as a criterion for Indian citizenship,” the Cambridge City Council’s resolution said.

The CAA and NRC have triggered fears of marginalisation and disenfranchisement among India’s Muslim minority, who form nearly 15 percent of the country’s 1.3 billion population.

The Cambridge resolution declared that “Modi government’s racist and repressive policies” were inconsistent with the values of the city, “which welcomes South Asian communities of all castes and religions”.

The Cambridge city council urged its congressional delegation to support legislation in the US Congress censuring India for enacting such policies.

Rachel Wyon, an activist in Cambridge who was born in India to British parents, was quoted saying by Al Jazeera TV that laws such as CAA echoed the Nazi Germany of the 1930s.

“Through the CAA, most of us can recognise the echo of the 1930s in Germany when a Nazi government took similar steps – closely parallel to the NRC and CAA – which we know now were initial steps towards the Holocaust,” said Wyon, who deposed before the city council in support of the resolution.

She said CAA and NRC are “unconstitutional and designed to disenfranchise several million Muslims, Dalits (people at the bottom of Hindu caste hierarchy) and other marginalised groups in order to move toward an ultra-right-wing fascist state”.

“People in India and the South Asian community in the US should know that they have the support of the world in opposing such a discriminatory law,” Wyon said.

International bodies such as the United Nations, and rights groups Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have expressed concern at the enactment of the CAA.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has termed the law “fundamentally discriminatory in nature”.

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom has called upon the Trump administration to sanction India’s hardline home minister, Amit Shah, who is Modi’s closest aide.

Last month, the US witnessed protests in over a dozen cities by the Indian-American diaspora against the CAA and NRC on January 26, which is celebrated as India’s Republic Day.

The government of India, however, has repeated on several instances that CAA was its internal matter.