U.S. follows double-standard policy on counter-terrorism: scholar

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GENEVA, March 2 (Xinhua) -- The United States has adopted a double standard policy of counter-terrorism, which is based entirely on its own national interests, disregarding the appeal of other countries and regions, a scholar said here Monday.

"On the one hand, under the guise of 'upholding human rights' and 'religious freedom,' they (the United States) have attacked other countries' counter-terrorism operations, while on the other hand, they have ignited war in Afghanistan and Iraq under the banner of human rights and counter-terrorism," said Aierken Shamushake, deputy director of School of Law at Xinjiang University of China.

The scholar made the remarks at an international symposium on counter-terrorism, de-radicalization and promotion and protection of human rights, which was held during the ongoing 43rd regular session of the UN Human Rights Council.

"At present, the challenges posed by terrorism and extremism are still serious, and the fight against terrorism and extremism has a long way to go," he stressed.

The symposium is sponsored by the Chinese Mission to the UN in Geneva, the Mission of Cameroon to the UN in Geneva and the China Society of Human Rights Studies.