Sharad Yadav hits outs at BJP for renaming Muslim named cities

New Delhi, Nov 9 (PTI) Opposition leader Sharad Yadav Friday accused the BJP of indulging in "drama" of changing names of cities, streets and roads, rather than fulfilling its electoral promises.

He asked the party's government at the Centre and in states to work to fulfil promises made by them before elections.

"There is a history behind the name of every city, and to change the history is not the prerogative of one political party. The Bharatiya Janata Party is busy in doing such things which has nothing to do with the progress and development of the country," he said in a statement, condemning the exercise.

The government should devote its time in providing jobs to the unemployed youth, increasing income of farmers, bringing back black money from abroad and other promises made before elections, he said.

"They are busy in dramas which are not going to deliver the goods," Yadav added.

The Yogi Adityanath government recently renamed Allahabad and Faizabad districts as Prayag Raj and Ayodhya, respectively, and BJP leaders in other states have also spoken in favour of changing names of cities there.

Changing names one city after another is the only work which seems to have been left with this government, Yadav said.

He also hit out at the centre government over demonetisation and the Goods and Services Tax, alleging they have "ruined" the country's economy, and every citizen and house is still suffering from that "shock".