Libya: GNA shoots down 3 Sukhoi fighters belonging to Haftar


The forces of the internationally-recognised Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA) shot down three Sukhoi fighters belonging to Haftar’s forces on Friday, reported Anadolu Agency.

04 April 2020; MEMO: According to Anadolu Agency, the GNA forces also destroyed several vehicles and heavy weapons, during the operation that was launched about a week ago.

The sources revealed that three Sukhoi-22 warplanes were shot down.

They also indicated that several tanks, artillery, armoured vehicles, heavy weapons and sites belonging to Haftar’s militia were also targeted.

On Thursday, the GNA forces announced the destruction of three fuel tankers that were on their way to supply Haftar’s forces, in the south of the capital, Tripoli.

The GNA forces announced in a statement: “The Libyan Air Force targeted three other fuel tankers south of Bani Walid (west), which were on their way to supply Haftar’s terrorist militias south of Tripoli,” adding that the government troops also targeted an ammunition store and ten armoured vehicles southeast of Al-Wishka, surrounding the city of Sirte in north-eastern Libya.

The GNA announced later that an air strike carried out by its forces targeted sites of Haftar militias, in the vicinity of Sirte (northeast), leading to the deaths of more than 20 army fighters.

Even though Haftar announced, on 21 March, full adherence to a humanitarian truce to focus on efforts to combat the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), his forces continued violating the ceasefire and bombing various locations in the capital.

In response to Haftar’s breach of the armistice, the GNA forces launched Operation Peace Storm on 25 March.