Brazil's supreme court suspends expelling 34 Venezuelan diplomats

Brazil's supreme court

SAO PAULO, May 2 (Xinhua) -- Brazil's Supreme Court Judge Luis Roberto Barroso issued an injunction on Saturday suspending the Foreign Ministry's move to expel 34 Venezuelan diplomats.

According to the injunction, Barroso gave the government 10 days to explain why it set May 2 as the deadline for the diplomats' departure.

Brazil withdrew its diplomats from Venezuela's capital city Caracas on April 17, Reuters reported on Saturday.

The Brazilian Foreign Ministry notified the Venezuelan embassy this week that if its diplomats remained in Brazil until Saturday, they would be declared "personae non gratae."

The injunction request was presented by Deputy Paulo Pimenta of the Workers' Party.

"Forcing Venezuelan citizens to leave without adequate logistics, legal procedure, and responsibility in the midst of a pandemic is an act of cruelty," said Pimenta in his request.