Pandemic no to impact program for development of Arctic, Far East - ministry

MOSCOW, May 21. /TASS/: The current optimization of the federal budget expenditures due to the coronavirus pandemic will have no serious impact on the implementation of state programs for the development of the Arctic and the Far East, with all key plans for 2020 being realized, the press service of the Russian ministry for the development of the Far East told TASS on Thursday.

Russian President Vladimir Putin admitted on Tuesday that some works under national projects and other programs planned for 2020 would probably be postponed and called for using these released funds on top priority tasks.

"All plans for 2020 concerning the development of the Far East and the Arctic will be implemented. This optimization of spending will have no serious impact on the implementation of the state programs," the press service said.

According to the ministry, as proposed by the finance ministry, the 2020 spending on the state program for the socio-economic development of the Far Eastern Federal District by 1.3 billion rubles (18.252 million US dollars), or by 2.4% The Russian government adopted amendments to the state program for the development of the Far Eastern Federal District to increase financing in 2020 by 22.7%, or by 54 billion rubles (758.16 million US dollars).

Spending on the state program for the development of the Russian Arctic zone has not been reduced. However the ministry did not rule out further adjustments. "Taking into account impacts of the novel coronavirus infection spread on the terms of the implementation of some plans, extra redistribution of funds within these state programs is possible," the ministry added.