Japan: Disapproval rate for Abe's Cabinet rises to highest since 2012


TOKYO, June 22 (Xinhua) -- The disapproval rating for Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Cabinet rose to its highest point since the launch of his second administration in December 2012, a nationwide poll showed Monday.

According to the survey conducted by Japan's public broadcaster NHK between Friday and Sunday of people aged 18 or older, the disapproval rating for Abe's Cabinet rose 4 points to 49 percent, while the approval rate dropped one point from last month to 36 percent.

Of those who support of Abe's Cabinet, 58 percent said the administration "seems better than other alternatives," while 19 percent said it represents political parties they support.

Of those who disapprove the Cabinet, 44 percent said they don't trust Abe, while 27 percent said they don't expect much from the Cabinet's policies, NHK's poll showed.

As regards the COVID-19 pandemic, 22 percent of respondents said that they are worried very much and 53 percent said they are worried to some extent.

On the government's response to the outbreak, 51 percent gave a positive assessment, while 47 percent had a negative view.

In addition, 86 percent said they are concerned over a possible second wave of infections, according to the survey.