No side effects seen for COVID-19 vaccine volunteers, says top Moscow medical university


MOSCOW, June 30. /TASS/: Experts at the Sechenov University have not observed any adverse side effects on volunteers injected with the domestically-made vaccine against the coronavirus. All the subjects are in good health, the main researcher, Yelena Smolyarchuk, who heads the Sechenov University Center for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products told TASS.

"The trials are being conducted routinely without any serious adverse reactions. There are a few predictable side effects related directly to the vaccine's inoculation. This is a so-called systemic and local post-vaccine reaction which is mild and disappears on its own without any additional measures. The volunteers are in good health," she disclosed.

The first stage of clinical trials was launched at the Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University on June 18, when the first 18 volunteers were vaccinated. The second group of 20 volunteers was vaccinated on June 23. "The vaccine itself consists of two sub-units. In the first group (of 18 volunteers) nine people receive the first sub-unit and nine people got the second one. The remaining second group of 20 people is going to get the full vaccine. This way we control the rate of the development of the immunity for different volunteers, and the immunity level," the scientist explained.

She also noted that adverse side effects tend to occur immediately upon administering the inoculation or within the next few hours or days. "At later dates, we do not expect any kind of serious side effects but nevertheless we need to monitor the overall state of health of the volunteers including their test results after the inoculation," the main researcher said.