France: ‘We will provide aid, medical supplies to Kurdistan Region’

Jean-Yves Le Drian

19 July 2020; MEMO: French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian announced on Friday that his country will provide aid and medical supplies to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq to combat the coronavirus pandemic.

Le Drian announced during a press conference held with President Nechirvan Barzani that his country: “Has shown support and sympathy with the Kurdistan Region in difficult times, and medical assistance and supplies are underway, including aid to the Halabja Hospital.”

The French minister praised the significant role played by Kurdistan in assisting displaced refugees, and stressed that: “France has set projects for the displaced in the region, and it will also implement a water project in Dohuk with assistance from Germany.”

President Barzani in turn expressed that: “Kurdistan will not forget France’s support, and Le Drian has always been a friend who contributed to the development of relations between France and the Kurdistan Region, and this visit is important.”

Barzani noted that: “France supports our rights, and played an important role in the war against Daesh.” He also confirmed that: “French companies can invest in the region.”