Russia: Kremlin hopes British MPs won’t make unfounded accusations in new security report


MOSCOW, July 21. /TASS/: Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov hopes that the new report prepared by the Intelligence and Security Committee of the UK Parliament will not contain unfounded accusations and insinuations.

"We hope that at least this time, after so many investigations held by UK allies on [Russia’s] interference that led to negative results and did not confirm anything, there will be some documents that will not contain unfounded accusations or insinuations," the Kremlin spokesman said shortly before the document’s publication.

"Russia has never interfered in other states’ election campaigns, and it does not tolerate interference in its own domestic affairs," the spokesman stressed. "Russia has never interfered in election processes in any country of the world, be it the United States, the UK or other states. We do not do it ourselves and we do not tolerate it when other countries try to meddle in our political affairs," Peskov added.

"So even if this report contains some ephemeral accusations, I can assure you now that even if such accusations are there, they will be baseless. This will be another set of groundless accusations," the spokesman noted.

The Kremlin spokesman admitted that Moscow is not aware of the contents of the report. "Naturally, first and foremost we monitor what is happening in our country, and currently, our priority is our country’s key areas of development until 2030. With all due respect to the UK, our priority is what is happening in our country," Peskov explained. Earlier on Tuesday, the Russian president signed a decree on Russia’s national development goals until 2030.

On Tuesday, the British Parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee published a report on the activity of UK intelligence services. In the run-up to its publication, the Daily Telegraph informed that British MPs had found no evidence of Russia’s interference in the 2016 referendum on Brexit. According to the newspaper, the 50-page report claims that Moscow had tried to interfere in the 2014 referendum on Scotland’s independence.