Trump, Biden tie in traditionally red state of Georgia: poll

Trump, Biden

NEW YORK, July 29 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump and his Democratic rival Joe Biden tied in Georgia, a state that typically votes for Republican nominees in presidential elections, in a poll cited by U.S. media Wednesday.

Trump and Biden each won 47 precent of support, while another 3 percent went to Libertarian Jo Jorgensen, and the remaining 3 percent remained undecided, according to the survey released by Monmouth University.

Biden led by 22 points among independent voters in the state, and black voters overwhelmingly supported Biden over Trump by 84 points, while Trump had a 51-point edge among white non-college graduates and a 23-point advantage among white college graduates, the poll said.

Both candidates gained huge support from their own parties, with 92 percent of Republicans backing Trump and 96 percent of Democrats supporting Biden.