UK: Demographic apartheid in IIOJ&K breach of Geneva Convention, UNSC resolutions: High Commissioner

Nafees Zakaria

LONDON, Aug 06 (APP): Pakistan High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Mohammad Nafees Zakaria has said the ultimate objective of India was to alter the demography of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), which it has been illegally occupying against the wishes of Kashmiri people, in contravention of Geneva Convention IV and UNSC resolutions.

He said this while speaking at a Virtual Parliamentary Seminar on Kashmir on August 5 to observe Youm-e-Istehsal to mark one year of military siege over 8 million Kashmiris by India.

Giving a context to the Webinar, the High Commissioner said on August 5, 2019, India unilaterally and illegally enacted Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act 2019.
Since then, the Kashmiris were living under Indian military siege with no communication with the world and were completely deprived of their fundamental rights, he added.

Nafees Zakaria said with the communication blockade and no media access, the reports of extrajudicial and custodial killings, arbitrary detentions, rapes and sexual harassment and destruction of properties have constantly emerged. This prompted Genocide Watch to issue Genocide Alert for IIOJK, he added.

He said change of Kashmir’s status was a violation of the UN Security Council’s resolutions on Kashmir as well as relevant International Conventions and Laws.

He said, since August 5, 2019, UN Rapporteurs have published four reports on Human Rights violations in IIOJK.

Besides, the human rights organizations such as Amnesty International, HRW, J&K Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS), Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP), the international media has also extensively reported on horrifying details of human rights violations and crimes against humanity committed by the Indian occupation forces under the direct command of the Bhartia Janta Party (BJP) government, he added.

The High Commissioner said the overarching objective of illegal move by India was to bring about demographic apartheid in IIOJK.

He said that illegal actions of the August 5, 2019 opened yet another dark chapter in Kashmiris’ history and this was not the only attempt to change the demography. India has been systematically changing the demography over the years through genocide, massacres, enforced expulsions, enforced disappearances and so on, he added.

Zakaria said disclosure of mass graves, mass blinding, mass rapes and extrajudicial & custodial killings of Kashmiris constitute crimes against humanity for which the international community must hold India accountable.

He added “Pakistan stands with the Kashmiris in their rightful struggle for self-determination and our resolve towards supporting the oppressed Kashmiris is unflinching”.

He cited the Government of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s undertaking in this regard.
The participants condemned grave violations of human rights in IIOJK and expressed their support and solidarity for the oppressed Kashmiris.

They said that Kashmiris under the Indian occupation were suffering from one of the most brutal oppressions in the world.

They were concerned that lockdown during the coronavirus pandemic has made IIOJK people lives more miserable as they have no access to medical facilities and communication networks. This necessitates immediate action by the international community, they said.

The British Parliamentarians expressed complete solidarity with the oppressed Kashmiris of IIOJK and demanded of an immediate end to human rights abuses by Indian occupation forces.

They were of the opinion that demographic apartheid in IIOJK was a glaring violation of international laws and would further deprive the Kashmiris of their land and opportunities.
The British Parliamentarians said Indian action of the August,5, 2019 took the Kashmir dispute out of bilateral space and hence international intervention was required.

“The time for talking about it as a bilateral issue is over and, therefore, there is a need to drop the idea of bilateralism,” they added.

The speakers said that the characterization of the issue as a bilateral dispute and the language being used around it need to be changed to pave way for just and sustainable peace in Kashmir. Kashmir dispute can neither be resolved bilaterally nor through military means; hence, the international community must step in, they said.

They said that multilateral institutions like UN, EU and human rights organizations should come forward to end the sufferings of the Kashmiri people.

They undertook to continue raising the voice at appropriate forums including the British Parliament and with the Government.

The speakers emphasized that any trade and economic cooperation with India should be contingent upon its respect for human rights in Kashmir.

They also noted that the UK media needs to focus more on IIOJK in view of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and human rights abuses by Indian occupation forces.
The speakers said every Kashmiri life matters and the world needs to protect their lives and civil liberties.

Those who also spoke on the occasion included Lord Qurban Hussain, Liam Byrne MP, Afzal Khan MP, Naz Shah MP, Muhammad Yasin MP and Tahir Ali MP. John Howarth, former MEP, Debbie Abrahams MP, Chair of All Party Parliamentary Group on Kashmir (APPKG). Raja Najabat Hussain, Chairman Jammu & Kashmir Self-Determination Movement International (JKSDMI) also participated in the webinar.