Russia: Putin proposes urgent 7-state online summit on Iran, Persian Gulf


MOSCOW, Aug. 14 (Xinhua) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed Friday holding an urgent online meeting of the heads of the five states that are permanent members of the UN Security Council (UNSC) with the participation of the leaders of Germany and Iran to discuss Iran and the Persian Gulf situation.

"Should the leaders agree in principle to have this conversation, we propose that the foreign ministries of the seven countries agree on a meeting agenda, make the necessary arrangements and schedule a video summit," Putin said in a statement.

He said that discussions on the Iranian issue within the UNSC are becoming more intense, while the situation is getting worse, as there are groundless accusations against Iran and draft resolutions are being drawn up aimed at destroying the previous unanimous decisions of the Security Council.

Russia remains fully committed to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran nuclear deal, the conclusion of which in 2015 was a major political and diplomatic achievement and it made possible to avert the threat of armed conflict and strengthened the nuclear non-proliferation regime, Putin said.

It is important to secure collective support for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2231 that sets forth an international legal framework for the execution of the JCPOA, he said.

Putin also proposed to agree at the summit on parameters of joint work in order to facilitate the formation of reliable mechanisms for ensuring security and building confidence in the Persian Gulf region.

This can be achieved by uniting the political will and creative energy of "all our countries and countries of the region," he said.

"We urge our partners to carefully weigh our offer. The alternative is to further escalate tension, to increase the risk of conflict," Putin said, adding that Russia is open to constructive interaction with anyone interested in pushing the situation away from the dangerous brink.