Russia’s health watchdog discovers inaccuracy in registration of COVID-19 fatalities

corona covid Russia

MOSCOW, September 7. /TASS/: Russia’s Health watchdog (Roszdravnadzor) has confirmed that while checking the fatality statistics at in-patient facilities, it discovered inaccuracies in registering deaths caused by the novel coronavirus infection, the medical news website reported on Monday, citing head of the agency Alla Samoilova.

"There were in-patient facilities where practically 100% of fatalities were coded as deaths of COVID-19, and there were those where deaths of COVID-19 were practically listed as zero, and the mortality rate was attributed to other illnesses, the cardiovascular ones, respiratory diseases, or something else," the portal quoted the head of the agency as saying.

She noted that the COVID-19 fatality statistics at the specialized in-patient facilities should become the subject of future analysis and of "conclusions to be drawn."

According to the latest statistics, over 27,306,000 people have been infected worldwide and more than 887,000 deaths have been reported. To date, 1,030,690 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Russia, with 843,277 patients having recovered from the disease. Russia’s latest data indicates 17,871 fatalities nationwide. Earlier, the Russian government set up an Internet hotline to keep the public updated on the coronavirus situation.