Putin says Russia must remain a strong presidential republic


MOSCOW, September 23. /TASS/: Russian President Vladimir Putin is certain that the amendments to the Constitution must cement the basic foundations of national development for decades to come, and preserve Russia as a strong presidential republic, he said during the meeting with the senators Wednesday.

The president thanked the Federation Council members for their participation in preparation of the amendments to the basic law.

"The substance, the point of the constitutional innovations is to cement the basic foundations of sustainable development of the nation for decades to come," Putin underscored.

He named "historic succession, moral values, reliable social guarantees, increased role of the civil society, strengthening and perfection of balance and equilibrium between all branches of power while preserving Russia as a strong presidential republic" among those foundations.

"For example, the authority of both chambers of the parliament is significantly extended; the role of the State Duma in appointment of the government and the role of the Federation Council in appointment of security agencies heads, Prosecutor General, his deputies and regional prosecutors is significantly increased," Putin elaborated. In his opinion, those are "steps in a right direction."

"The amendments to the constitution must ensure unconditional compliance with law and legal order, protection of the people’s interest, business and other freedoms," the head of state concluded.