Russia: Kremlin did not submit Putin’s nomination for Nobel Peace Prize, spokesman says

Dmitry Peskov

MOSCOW, September 24. /TASS/: The Kremlin did not nominate Russian President Vladimir Putin for the Nobel Peace Prize, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Thursday.

"You all know that completely different people are nominated for this award, this is an initiative of those submitting the nomination. In this case, [the nomination was submitted by] the aforementioned writer," the spokesman said, commenting on the nomination submitted by writer Sergey Komkov.

"If this decision is made (to award Putin the prize - TASS) - great, if not, it’s no problem as well," Peskov said.

Earlier, a group of Russian public figures led by writer Sergey Komkov informed that they had submitted Vladimir Putin’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. They sent the nomination to Oslo on September 10.