EU renews sanctions for chemical weapons use for one year

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BRUSSELS, October 12. /TASS/: The European Council has prolonged the sanctions regime for the use of chemical weapons for one year, until October 16, 2021, the statement published by the Council on Monday informs. Some members of the EU propose to expand the sanctions list in relation to the incident with Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny.

"The Council today decided to extend the regime allowing the EU to impose restrictive measures on persons and entities involved in the development and use of chemical weapons by one year, until 16 October 2021," the statement reads.

"Restrictive measures currently apply to nine persons - five linked to the Syrian regime and four involved in the Salisbury attack using the toxic nerve agent Novichok (including Russian nationals Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov accused by the UK of organizing a chemical attack on Sergei Skripal - TASS) - and one organisation, the Scientific Studies and Research Centre (SSRC), the Syrian regime's principal entity for the development of chemical weapons," the statement continues.

The decision to prolong the sanctions was taken without a preceding discussion. "The restrictive measures consist of a ban on travel to the EU and an asset freeze for persons, and an asset freeze for entities. In addition, persons and entities in the EU are forbidden from making funds available to those listed," the European Council informed.

During the meeting of EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg on Monday, several EU states are insisting on including new individuals on the list in relation to the Navalny incident.