France's Le Maire says to propose more controls on some Islamist groups

Le Maire

PARIS (Reuters) - French finance minister Bruno Le Maire said on Sunday he would propose reinforcing controls on the financial flows of some Islamist associations, after the beheading of a teacher by a suspected Islamist attacker.

“There is a problem of financing a number of Islamist associations on which I think we can and must do better,” he told France 3 Television.

He cited cryptocurrencies as an example were controls could be improved, saying they could be used to finance groups or fighters abroad.

“Cryptocurrencies pose a real problem of terrorism financing .. we must reinforce our devices.”

An 18-year-old man of Chechen origin beheaded a history teacher, Samuel Paty, on Friday after he had shown his pupils cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, prosecutors said. Muslims believe that any depiction of the Prophet is blasphemous.