Russia: Biocad company plans to produce 1 mln doses of Sputnik V vaccine in December

Sputnik V corona vaccine

ST. PETERSBURG, November 19. /TASS/: Biocad company plans to start producing 1 mln doses of the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine in December 2020, Chief Executive Officer of the Russian pharmaceutical company Dmitry Morozov said on Thursday at the 13th St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum.

"According to my estimates, we must produce 3-4 mln doses per month so that we could at least partly cover the demand. It is difficult for me to say when it will be possible. We now plan to reach the production level of 1 mln doses in December and will continue expanding it later on," Morozov said.

As reported earlier, Biocad signed an agreement with the Gamaleya Research Center on September 23 for industrial production of the Sputnik V vaccine.