EU adopts Magnitsky Act-like unilateral sanctions regime


BRUSSELS, December 2. /TASS/: The EU countries have negotiated a sanctions regime, similar to the US Magnitsky act, which will enable the EU to impose sanctions against those the Union deems responsible for violation of human rights in any country of the world, a diplomatic source in one of the delegations to the European Council told TASS Wednesday.

"The general decision to introduce the sanctions regime for serious violations and abuses in the human rights field has been made. The EU Ambassadors will adopt a formal decision without discussion today," the source said.

According to the diplomat, once the envoys approve the sanctions regime, it will be officially endorsed by the European Council.

"We expect this decision to be adopted by the European Council at the nearest ministerial meetings," the source added.

The development of the European version of the Magnitsky Act was announced by President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen in September.

The Magnitsky Act was adopted by the US Congress and signed by then-president Barack Obama in 2012. The law allows imposition of unilateral sanctions against Russian officials, involved, according to the US, in violations of human rights in Russia. In December 2016, the US Senate extended the Magnitsky Act to other countries besides Russia.

Later, similar "Magnitsky acts" were adopted in Canada, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, as well as several other countries.