Russia: November’s global COVID-19 case count equal to first 4 months of pandemic


MOSCOW, December 3. /TASS/: In November, the total COVID-19 case count in the world increased by 17.3 million cases, which is 5.6 million more than the record high, registered in October, and is about equal to all cases registered between March and July, according to TASS calculations. The relative growth has increased as well, from 35% to 38%.The death toll in November was 1.7 times higher than in October - about 280,000 deaths. However, despite the skyrocketing incidence, the lethality of the infection continues to fall: in the early days of the pandemic, it was about 3.6% of all cases, while in November it was only 2.7%.

The number of recoveries grew significantly: by 8.5 million people, 3.5 million people more than in October. However, the share of recoveries was somewhat smaller, due to high incidence rate: 64% versus 66.8% in October.

The situation got stabilized somewhat in Europe, hit by the second wave in October, while incidence in the Americas and Asia began to rise again: in November, the case count in the US increased by 47% (versus 25% in October), with 170,000-180,000 cases registered every day.

In Turkey, every day brings three times as many new cases as in October. In November, the case count grew by 76%. The daily case growth in Iran increased threefold as well, with the total case count increased by 50% in November.