Russian troops to hold over 4,800 drills next year

Russian troops

MOSCOW, December 4. /TASS/: Russia’s Defense Ministry will keep the intensity of combat training next year and over 4,800 drills are planned, Defense Minister Army General Sergei Shoigu said at the ministry’s conference call on Friday.

"A new training year began in the troops on December 1. In 2021, we will keep the intensity of combat training. Over 4,800 drills and practical measures are planned," Shoigu said.

Special attention will be paid to training military command centers, improving the methods of damage by firepower and multiservice force inter-operability, raising the tactical maneuverability and mobility of military units and formations, and also developing new methods of troops’ operations taking into account the experience of local wars and armed conflicts and the personnel’s fulfillment of individual performance indicators, he said.

About 1,200 camp training events and 1,700 instructor and methodological classes have been held to prepare for the new training year in the Russian Armed Forces, the defense minister said.

"A total of 2,500 training facilities have been prepared and maintenance has been provided to about 30,000 items of equipment at training grounds. The armament, military and special hardware have been switched to the winter mode of operation and required supplies have been created," Shoigu said.