Russian diplomat blasts US call for moratorium on Nord Stream 2 as ‘political aggression’

Maria Zakharova

MOSCOW, December 6. /TASS/: Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated that the call of the US Embassy in Berlin to declare a moratorium on the construction of Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is an act of political aggression.

"No matter when or where it is, no matter what agreements legitimize it, a Russian pipeline has caused the same reaction of the US for decades - political aggression and unlawful resistance," she wrote on Saturday on Facebook.

Zakharova mentioned the statement of Acting US Ambassador to Germany Robin Quinville, in which she said that Nord Stream 2 is "a political tool that the Kremlin is using to bypass Ukraine and divide Europe." The Russian diplomat reminded that on March 5, 2014, the Washington Times published an article dubbed "Reagan administration warned Russian pipeline through Ukraine would weaken West."

"The article says: "In a memo to the White House in July 1981, advisers in the Ronald Reagan administration urged opposition to a new pipeline from Russia’s oil-and gas-rich regions to Europe, warning that it would weaken the West’s bargaining hand,"" the diplomat said. "So there is a dichotomy.".